闲人马大姐(蔡明 饰)热心善良,专好处理邻里间的闲杂琐事。虽然有时帮了倒忙,或惹得老伴王援朝(李建华 饰)和女儿艾嘉(虞梦 饰)偶有微词,不过活到老,管到老,她老人家的故事仍在继续。这一次,马大姐的“事业”可谓如虎添翼。一个火星人老火(邵峰 饰)无意间来到地球,他同时带来各种各样的先进道具。热心的马大姐遇到难题就会向老火求救,然后借来道具帮忙。比如可以预测到未来的墨镜、有助于增强信心的药丸、能够提升逻辑思考能力的侦探帽子……东西虽好,然而或因为道具与地球不兼容、或因为马大姐操作不当,结果导致好心办坏事,闹出一系列的笑话……
The Octopod is grabbed by a colossal squid. The Octonauts are unable to break free due to the hooks on the ends of the squid's tentacles. Fortunately the arrival of some sperm whales turns the squid from hunter to hunted.
Kwazii and Dashi become entangled in a strange deep-sea creature - a siphonophore - and when a geyser blasts it toward the surface, the Octonauts must stop its ascent before it fatally bursts.
A dangerous tidal wave washes all the fish up in the trees, which is also a big problem for the poison dart frogs who don't have enough puddles up in the trees for the tadpoles. Luckily, Tweak's new Gup-H is ready to help.